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Cycle Sync

Everyone's cycle is different, so listen to your body

Movement Synced To Your Cycle

Choose where you are in cycle to optimize your fitness

Day 1 - 5

Day 6 - 13

Day 14 - 15

Day 16 - 28

If you're unsure about your cycle, don't have one, or experience irregularity, consider trying Feel Sync.

What is Cycle Sync?

Females' hormone levels typically cycle on a 28-day rotation (males have a 24-hour cycle), meaning that we will have days where we feel super high energy (our body is able to perform at a higher level and recover faster), and we will have days where we feel super low energy (our body is putting its energy elsewhere, leaving our muscles to easily fatigue and leaving us with lower energy).


It is crucial that we listen to how our body is feeling and use the

tool of our intuition to move it properly. We are not able to train

intensively all the time, nor should we. In fact, you will start to

notice progression in your strength, your focus, and your energy

when you begin to move your body intuitively.

Learn More About Your

Half Full Moon

The Infradian Rhythm

The infradian rhythm is a monthly cycle in the body that aligns with the phases of the moon, dictating the hormonal changes in females. In contrast, the circadian rhythm is a daily cycle that corresponds with the sun, regulating sleep, digestion, and the hormonal patterns in males.

Throughout our cycle, hormonal fluctuations impact our eating, training, and work habits. Many popular wellness tips, such as intermittent fasting or HIIT, are based on studies focused on male performance. As women, our bodies react quite differently to exercise at various times of the month.

During the follicular and ovulatory phases, our metabolism is lower, leading to reduced hunger and increased energy, making high-intensity workouts most effective for muscle sculpting. Conversely, in the luteal and menstrual phases, our metabolism increases by 10% to 20%, resulting in heightened hunger and focus, but lower energy levels, necessitating lower-intensity movements to support muscle sculpting. Exercising at high intensity during these phases can disrupt hormonal balance, potentially causing fat storage, low energy, and other issues.

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